PVP Game Rules
Codecharacter is a game of strategic resource management. The objective of the game for the attacker is to conquer the base i.e ensure that they kill most of their opponent troops at the same time ensuring their troops remain safe.
There are three types of troops:
Troops can move and attack when defenders come in range. Troops can only be spawned in the outer region of the map. There are two ground troops and one aerial troop with their own characteristics which make each one unique.
This is what a game map looks like :
Goal of the game - The attackers goal in the game is to kill their opponent's troops and ensure that their troops remain safe.
You will be given a fixed amount of coins every turn to spawn attackers. The game will go on for 500 turns and if some coins arent used in a particular turn they wont be carried over to the next turn. The attacker is expected to be cautious about the usage of his fixed amount of coins per turn. This amount is set to 10 coins. Your attackers and their spwaning location will be determined by the code you write.